吳  漢  霖   NG HON LAM 
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Foreviews of the Mountain
吳漢霖攝影_Ng Hon Lam Photography

Foreviews of the Mountain - Recent Photography Work of Ng Hon Lam

主辦 Organizer:C14 Gallery
地點:C14 畫廊(中國上海中山南路 1029 號 1 號樓東 3 樓)
Venue: C14 Gallery (3rd Floor, East Block 1, 1029 South Zhongshan Road, Shanghai, China)

—— 吳漢霖 2016

Existing in an expedited movement of the carrier, the photographer is aimed to record images with visionary intactness. The photographing scenes/objects usually include the followings: patches of grass/bushes, mountain-sides, retaining wall, man-made water tank/gutters, staircases, fencing structures, transmission base with machanical balancers or any other common objects encountered.

Through such direct photo-taking experience, the photographer has, initially, come across a new technique called "parallel-focusing" which can create different focalized positions within a single frame of the photographed image. A new, integrated structure of photographic space is directly realized and it is totally derived from it "parallel-focusing" techniques. The straight photographing process is thus practiced and no special, post manipulation of the image is applied. The direct-captured images are phenomenal and it could be perceived as a kind of "vision-in-motion" that could also be understood with its own mata-physical basis of enquiry.
—— Ng Hon Lam 2016