吳  漢  霖   NG HON LAM 
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策展 Curatorial

I DOCUMENTA - Exhibition of Photographs of
the interior construction work and activities at the I Club

聯展成員 Participants: HAP II Students Hong Kong Polytechnic
陳勒秋 Alain Chan / 馮燦基 Tommio Fung / 馮浩然 Fung Ho Yin / 何永堅 Garrige Ho / 簡寶蓮 Pauline Kan / 麥輝明 Mak Fai Ming / 伍遐鳴 Harris Ng / 潘鳳儀 Polly Poon / 蘇志偉 So Chi Wai / 唐啟霖 Tong Kai Lam / 王良忠Wong Leung Chung /
參與者 Collaborators: 陳少雄 Chan Siu Hung / 張光壘 Cheung Kong Lui / 楊振基 Yeung Chun Kie /
導師 Lecturer / 策展 Exhibition Organiser: 吳漢霖 Ng Hon Lam
主辦 Organizer:雅會 I Club
地點:香港中環美國銀行中心   雅會 Art Forum
Venue: Art Forum, I Club, Bank of America Tower, Central, Hong Kong

共同策展 Co-curated

SENSITIVE‧TRANSITIVE Photography Exhibition

聯展成員 Participants: 陳少雄 Chan Siu Hung / 鄭煥治 Cheng Woon Chee / 夏耀文 Ha Yui Man / 李德銓 Lee Tak Chuen / 吳世傑 Ng Sai Kit / 譚少華 Tam Siu Wah / 楊振基 Yeung Chun Kie /
二人策展 Co-curator: 吳漢霖 Ng Hon Lam、張景熊 K.H. Cheung
Organizer: The Hong Kong Institute for Promotion of Chinese Culture
地點:香港中環德輔道中 141 號國際大廈 1101~1104 室
Venue: Room 1101~1104, International Building, 141 Des Voeux Road, Central, Hong Kong

VIGNETTED IMAGES (Pin-hole photographs)

聯展成員 Participants: 香港專上學院同學
二人策展 Co-curator: 吳漢霖 Ng Hon Lam、張景熊 K.H. Cheung
Organizer: The Hong Kong Institute for Promotion of Chinese Culture
地點:香港干諾道中 200 號信德中心 1001~5 室
Venue: Room 1001~5, Shun Tak Centre, 200 Connaught Road, Central, Hong Kong

統籌 Co-ordinated

Neo-stylist: Considerations of the 88 Series - Chinese Cinema of the Third Period 'Beijing-Taipei-Hong Kong' Student Film and Video, Film Festival, Seminar and Exhibition

統籌成員 Co-ordinator: 香港浸會學院電影系系主任林年同博士 Lam Nin Tung 聯同吳漢霖 Ng Hon Lam、黃奇智 Wong Kee Chee、陳樂儀 Chang Lok Yee
Organizer: School of Communication, Hong Kong Baptish College (HKBU)
Venue: Hong Kong Baptish College (HKBU) Academic Community Hall