1985.08.03~18 《被攝物》七人攝影聯展 SENSITIVE‧TRANSITIVE Photography Exhibition 聯展成員 Participants: 陳少雄 Chan Siu Hung / 鄭煥治 Cheng Woon Chee / 夏耀文 Ha Yui Man / 李德銓 Lee Tak Chuen / 吳世傑 Ng Sai Kit / 譚少華 Tam Siu Wah / 楊振基 Yeung Chun Kie / 二人策展 Co-curator: 吳漢霖 Ng Hon Lam、張景熊 K.H. Cheung 主辦:香港中華文化促進中心 Organizer: The Hong Kong Institute for Promotion of Chinese Culture 地點:香港中環德輔道中 141 號國際大廈 1101~1104 室 Venue: Room 1101~1104, International Building, 141 Des Voeux Road, Central, Hong Kong 吳漢霖與多位學員約於 1983 年成立攝影工作室並擔當義務導師。《被攝物》七人攝影聯展參展者均為工作室成員。 The participants of this exhibition are members of The Workshop, the photography workshop was founded around 1983 and led by Mr Ng Hon Lam. 上圖:「小克檔藏」供圖 Picture provided by K.H. Archive 相關資料 Relevance
1985 《被攝物》七人攝影聯展 SENSITIVE‧TRANSITIVE Photography Exhibition
1985 〈攝影的現象〉 文.吳漢霖 1985 The Phenomena of Photography by Ng Hon Lam 1975 《被攝物》序曲 詩.K.H. 1975 Prelude on 'Sensitive‧Transitive' Poem by K.H. 1975 〈攝影的魅力〉 文.K.H. 1975 The Attraction of Photography by K.H. 1975 〈影像‧印象〉 文.馮美華 1975 Image‧Impression by May Fung |