吳  漢  霖   NG HON LAM 
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Arts and Artifacts of the Yao Minorities of North Guangdong

Arts and Artifacts of the Yao Minorities of North Guangdong
An Exhibition organized specially for 'The First International Collquium Yao Studies'

Jointly presented: The Hong Kong Institute for Promotion of Chinese Culture and The Guandong Research Institue of Minority Nationalities
地點:香港中環德輔道中 141 號國際大廈 1101~1104 室
Venue: Room 1101~1104, International Building, 141 Des Voeux Road, Central, Hong Kong

吳漢霖攝影_Ng Hon Lam_Yao Minorities

吳漢霖拍攝廣東瑤族文物展品,取景在理工學院「白屋仔」校園內。《廣東瑤族文物展覽》海報及場刊由吳漢霖、V.C. 和 K.H. 負責設計
Ng Hon Lam photographed the artifacts of the Yao minority exhibit at the Swire School of Polytechnic 'white house' campus. Exhibition poster and catalogue designed by Ng Hon Lam, V.C. and K.H.
上圖:「小克檔藏」供圖   Picture provided by K.H. Archive