1989.12.15 (6:00pm) 《布萊恩.格列芬的攝影作品》 The Photographic Work of Brian Griffin 主講 Speaker:吳漢霖 Ng Hon Lam 主辦:香港市政局主辦,香港藝術館籌劃 Organizer: Invited by the Museum of Art, Hong Kong; presenting a public lecture on the work of Brian Griffin, a contemporary British photographer 地點:香港中區愛丁堡廣場 7 號大會堂高座 9 樓演奏廳 Venue: Hong Kong City Hall, 9th Floor, High Block 1989 年吳漢霖主講《布萊恩.格列芬的攝影作品》的印刷海報 Printed poster for Ng Hon Lam presenting a public lecture on the work of Brian Griffin in 1989 上圖:「小克檔藏」供圖 Picture provided by K.H. Archive 參考資料 Reference |